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发布日期:2016-05-17      阅读数:4528 次


1.国家专营state monopoly


China is to shake up the state monopoly on production and sale of table salt, dismantling a system that has been in place for more than 2,000 years.我国将打破食盐生产与销售的国家专营局面,废除已实行了2000多年的食盐专营制度。

2.魏则西事件Wei Zexi incident/case


The National Health and Family Planning Commission is banning all hospitals in the country from outsourcing any clinic to third-party service providers following the Wei Zexi incident.“魏则西事件”发生后,国家卫计委明确禁止全国所有医院向第三方服务提供商外包任何科室。

3.储备冻猪肉frozen pork reserve


A number of provinces and municipalities across China have released frozen pork reserves onto the market to ease pork supply pressure and contain a price surge.为缓解猪肉供应压力、平抑猪肉价格飙涨势头,全国多个省市已向市场投放了储备冻猪肉。

4.说唱征兵视频rap-style army recruitment video


The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has released a rap-style recruitment video filled with masculine lyrics and advanced weaponry in an attempt to attract more young people to join the military.近日,中国人民解放军发布了一段说唱风格的征兵视频,通过刚劲有力的歌词和先进的武器装备来吸引更多年轻人参军入伍。

5.iPhone商标大战trademark fight over “iPhone”


After losing the trademark fight over “iPhone” in China, Apple Inc has decided to bring the case to the Supreme People’s Court, the highest judicial organ in China.苹果公司在近日的”iPhone商标大战”中败诉后,决定向中国最高审判机关——最高人民法院提起上诉。

6.超级星期四Super Thursday


Millions of people are voting across Britain on what is being called Super Thursday.全英数百万人在被称为”超级星期四”的这一天进行投票。

7.商业模式(business model)简单说来,就是一个公司靠什么来挣钱。百度作为国内的搜索引擎巨头(search engine giant),其商业模式自然就是以搜索为主(search-oriented model),其中,竞价排名(paid listing)为其带来了不少收入。

8.新能源车(new energy vehicle,NEV)

9.营改增replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT)

China will replace business tax with value-added tax, or VAT, from May 1 in what is seen as a major taxation reform.5月1日起,我国将推行营业税改征增值税,这被视为一项重大的税制改革。

来源:育明教育 日期:2016年5月16日


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