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发布日期:2022-01-20      阅读数:999 次

英国诗人西格里夫·萨松的代表作《于我,过去,现在以及未来》中的名句“In me the tiger sniffs the rose”, 余光中先生译为“我心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”,可谓新达雅兼具的传神之笔。Tiger在英语表达中时常出现,比如tiger sweat是指威士忌酒,buck the tiger是指玩纸牌、打庄等。

在汉语中,也有很多带“虎”的表达。比如毛泽东主席那句著名的“一切发动派都是纸老虎”,“纸老虎”比喻外强中干的人,直译为“Paper Tiger”,已成为英语中的一个固定表达。汉语中很多成语和谚语都和虎相关,比如:


放虎归山:比喻把坏人放回老巢,留下祸根。可直译为 set free a tiger back to the mountains,let the tiger escape to the mountain again, send the tiger back to the mountains,set a tiger free;或意译为lay by trouble for the future; let [allow] the tiger return to themountain — to breed calamity for the future。


狐假虎威:原义是狐狸假借老虎的威势吓唬百兽,后比喻仰仗或倚仗别人的权势来欺压、恐吓人。可直译为the fox assuming the majesty of the tiger– borrowing power to do evil,a fox masquerading as a tiger; 或转译为(like) a donkey [an ass] in a lion’s hide; 或意译为 assume someone else’s authority as one’sown; assume the dignity of another; assume the dignity。


调虎离山:比喻用计使对方离开原来的地方,以便乘机行事。可直译为lure the tiger out of the mountains –entice one’s opponents to leave their vantage ground; ,或意译为 entice a person from his haunts so as tofacilitate some evil action on him; induce the enemy to leave theirentrenchments。


初生牛犊不怕虎:原义指刚生下的小牛犊不怕老虎,因为不知道老虎的厉害;一般形容年轻人,比喻青年人思想上很少顾虑,敢作敢为。可翻译为Newborn calves are not afraid oftigers–young people are fearless。


虎落平阳被犬欺:原义是指老虎离开深山,落到平地里受困,狗也能欺负老虎。比喻有权有势者或有实力者失去了自己的权势或优势。可直译为If the tiger went down to level land, hewould be insulted by dogs,或意译为A man who loses position and influence may besubjected to much indignity.


不入虎穴,焉得虎子:原义为不敢进入虎穴,就不能捉到小老虎。后比喻不亲临险境就不可能取得成功。也比喻不进行认真的实践就不可能得到真相。可直译为Can you seize the tiger’s whelps withoutgoing into the tiger’s den? How can one get the tiger’s cubs except by goinginto the tiger’s caves? How can you catch [obtain] tiger cubs without enteringthe tiger’s lair? If you don’t go into the den of a tiger, how can you get its young ones? Unless youenter the tiger’s lair, you can’t catch the tiger’s cub,或意译为Nothing venture, nothing have [get; gain; win],He who would search for pearls must divebelow,One cannot expect to achieve anything ifone risks nothing。



来源:艺术人生 日期:2022年1月18日



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