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发布日期:2018-11-20      阅读数:2531 次


Knowing is not that difficult, but doing is.


To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth. To secure life and fortune for the people. To continue lost teachings for past sages. To establish peace for all future generations.


Connected by our flesh even if our bones are broken.


Blood is thicker than water.

The relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other relationships.


The short distance between us should be keeping us poles apart! It is now more than 36 years since our brief encounter in Nanjing.


The days we spent together in childhood as well as later in the Soviet capital, however, are still as fresh as ever in my memory.


But it’s a pity indeed that we haven’t heard from each other for so many years. Recently it filled me with much concern to learn of your indisposition.


Men aged over seventy are liable to illness. I hope you will take good care of yourself.


You used to seek self-encouragement from the motto, “The interests to be considered should be the interests of all; the fame to be sought should be an everlasting fame.”


If you should be instrumental in bringing about the cause of national reunification, you will certainly win esteem and praise nationwide and your meritorious service to the country will earn you a niche in the temple of fame.


After all, dragging out your existence in that tight eastern corner is by no means a permanent solution. This should be crystal clear to a man of your wisdom.


Procrastination, hesitation or sleeping over the problem will only lead to adversity and you, my brother, will hardly be able to escape censure.


Complicated as the matter was, an overall view of the situation will show that united, the country and the nation benefit; divided, they suffer.


Dear brother, the frustrations marking your lifetime are by no means predestined. You yourself alone are master of your own fate. Merits and demerits to be recorded in history hinge on the decision made in a moment.


The present international situation is capricious. Throughout Taiwan people of all strata are talking about their future. Time does not stay and brief is the day. A long night invites bad dreams; time and tide wait for no man.


I hope you, my brother, will make a wise choice and repair the house before it rains. “Vast is the expanse of sky and water. What are you waiting for, staying away from home?”


“For all the disasters the brotherhood has remained; a smile at meeting and enmity is banished.”


When I look south towards the distant horizon, my heart cannot help going out to my compatriots there. No word is enough to express what I wish to say. It is hoped that you will take good care of yourself. I am looking forward to a reply from you.

来源:网络 日期:2015年11月16日


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