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  • 万变不离其宗 
    发布日期:2021-07-12      阅读数:766 次

    万变不离其宗。 While the appearances may vary, the essence remains unchanged. / Used with reference to someone’s trick being essentially the same in spite of all changes. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔 
    发布日期:2021-07-10      阅读数:1238 次

    授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。 A gift of a fish is not as good as a gift of a fishing method. / If you want to teach someone knowledge, it might be a better idea to teach him the method of learning knowledge.  心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城 
    发布日期:2021-07-09      阅读数:2097 次

    上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城。 The highest form of generalship is to baulk the enemy’s plans; the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy’s forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy’s army in the field; and the worst policy of all is to besiege wa...

  • 贫富之道,莫之夺予,而巧者有余,拙者不足 
    发布日期:2021-07-08      阅读数:1063 次

    贫富之道,莫之夺予,而巧者有余,拙者不足。 Poverty and wealth are not the sort of things that are arbitrarily handed to men or taken away; the clever have a surplus, and the stupid never have enough. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 山中无甲子,寒尽不知年 
    发布日期:2021-07-07      阅读数:908 次

    山中无甲子,寒尽不知年。 There is no calendar in the mountains, and when winter’s over you don’t know the time of year. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 人生有限,艺无止境 
    发布日期:2021-06-28      阅读数:726 次

    人生有限,艺无止境。 Art is long and life is short. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 举大事者必以人为本 
    发布日期:2021-06-18      阅读数:817 次

    举大事者必以人为本。 The success of every great enterprise depends upon humanity. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 令素行者,与众相得也 
    发布日期:2021-06-16      阅读数:804 次

    令素行者,与众相得也。 When the authority of command is highly respected, then there is bound to be a harmonious relationship between the commander and his soldier. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 利莫长于简,福莫久于安 
    发布日期:2021-06-15      阅读数:877 次

    利莫长于简,福莫久于安。 No benefit is more permanent than simplicity, no fortune is more perpetual than security. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译

  • 礼轻合宜就抵得上一份厚礼 
    发布日期:2021-06-14      阅读数:669 次

    礼轻合宜就抵得上一份厚礼。 A little given seasonably excuses a great gift. 心译翻译工作室 英语翻译



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